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Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical images
Orthelius series
This series of 12 engravings is included in Orthelius' commentary on Sendivogius 'New Chemical light'. From 'Orthelius. Commentarius in Novum Lumen Chemicum Michaelis Sendivogii Xll. figuris in Germania repertis illustratum', in Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, 1702.
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OR01. Emblem 1

OR02. Emblem 2

OR03. Emblem 3

OR04. Emblem 4

OR05. Emblem 5

OR06. Emblem 6

OR07. Emblem 7

OR08. Emblem 8

OR09. Emblem 9

OR10. Emblem 10

OR11. Emblem 11

OR12. Emblem 12

All these images are copyright © Adam McLean 1999.