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Music from 'Atalanta fugiens' emblem 7

Michael Maier's alchemical emblem book Atalanta fugiens was first published in Latin in 1617. It was a most amazing book as it incorporated 50 emblems with a motto, an epigram and a discourse, but extended the concept of an emblem book by incorporating 50 pieces of music the 'fugues' or canons. In this sense it was an early example of multimedia.

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Atalanta Fugiens

Emblem 7

A young bird came into being, flying up from the nest.
And fell back into the nest again.

Epigram 7

The eagle had built a nest in a hollow rock,
In which it hid and fed its young:
One of them wanted to rise on its light wings,
But was kept back by its brother, a wingless bird.
That was why the bird, flying up, fell back into the nest, which it had left;
Connect them, head to tail, and you will succeed.

Alchemical imagery

Graphic signs for
substances and processes

Images of alchemical apparatus, from Greek, Arabic and European sources.
Alchemical emblematic
imagery from books and

Paintings on alchemical themes

Other material:
Enochian, Rosicrucian or Elemental Chess
Alchemical music [from Atalanta fugiens