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Chthonios Books

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Founded by Stephen Ronan in 1985, Chthonios Books specialises in scholarly books and materials on esotericism and focuses on areas like Ancient Philosophy, Neoplatonism, Ancient Religion and Paganism, Theurgy, Early Christianity (especially heresy and unorthodoxy), Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Hermetica, Alchemy, Magic, Mediaeval & Renaissance Esotericism, Esoteric Traditions, etc. Chthonios now has a website devoted to the same areas. The Chthonios site is not just a commercial venture, but will provide resources such as translations of inaccessible ancient esoteric writings, and a glossary of scholarly esoteric terms. Besides Secondhand and Sale catalogues, Chthonios produces a New Books catalogue which features hundreds of the best titles in the scholarly esoteric field.


Chthonios Books
7 Tamarisk Steps
TN34 3DN

Tel. 01424 433302
(International +44 1424 433302)
Fax 01424 441606
(International +44 1424 441606)