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Mutus liber emblems hand coloured by Adam McLean

I have now (June 1999) painted hand coloured versions of the fifteen pictures that make up the Mutus liber series. I believe this hand colouring makes these images even more accessible, and I have tried to use a consistent colouring scheme to emphasise the various elements of the symbolic sequence. I include below my fifteen coloured emblems as small thumbnails. I have used the plates from the original La Rochelle 1677 edition rather than the more commonly repoduced plates from the later re-engraved version in Manget's Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, 1702.
I am in the next month or so planning to deconstruct the fifty separate panels that make up the Mutus liber sequence and reconstruct this as a multimedia slide sequence similar to the the Atalanta fugiens multimedia slide show I have recently produced.

All these images are copyright © Adam McLean 1999.